Gluten Free sausage broccoli pasta

This dish just so happens to be my husbands favorite meal , sausage broccoli pasta! And it’s so easy ….

When cooking gluten free pasta I always boil a very large pot of water and add a sprinkle of salt. Some pastas will recommend using oil too so read your packaging!

My go to gluten free pasta is ancient harvest brand. It is a mixture of organic quinoa and corn. Be sure to rinse it under cold water when cooked.

  1. Cook, drain and rinse pasta (use a splash of olive oil to prevent sticking once rinsed)
  2.  Chop and steam a whole broccoli
  3. slice an onion, cut the skin off a packet of Italian sausages and break into small pieces
  4.  cook onion and sausage together with a tsp – tbs of chili flakes and juice of a lemon

      5.                              combine all ingredients together once sausage is cooked and presto!  


                                                    *  Make sure your sausages are gluten free!

Instagram – mydenverdelights

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