Gluten Free Pinata Cake

Today I’m sharing my favorite go to cake that always surprises!

This “piñata” cake is so easy to make and you will delight your guests.

You should all know by now that I LOVE Betty Crocker gluten free range. So first I used a gluten free yellow cake mix. Once cake is cooked and cooled slice in half and use a spoon to scoop out the middle of both layers (don’t go completely through the layers!) then press the hole down with back of your spoon to firm it up.

Fill the base hole with all your favourite gluten free candies (mine are M&Ms, sour patch kids , haribo mini frogs and cola bottles).

Then place top layer of cake on top and frost it!

I love Duncan Hines chocolate frosting!

Then sit back and watch their delight when they cut into the piñata!


Note : The candy that I used is Gluten free as of the time I used it. I know for a fact that some of these candies are not gluten free in other countries so please read ingredients on packaging carefully!

Instagram – mydenverdelights

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