Gluten free crumbed fish and chips

One thing I miss from home is fish and chips!

So I made my own with baked potato wedges , green salad and crumbed fish fillets. Crumbed fish was thanks to Ians Natural Food range of Panko gluten free bread crumbs.

1.Have 3 large flat bowls at the ready. Fill one with GF plain flour, one with a mixed up egg and the other with Ians bread crumbs.

2. Simply cover fish in gluten free flour, then cover in a mixed up egg, followed by the breadcrumb mixture.

I added chopped fresh flat leaf parsley, salt and pepper and a sprinkle of parmesan cheese to my bread crumb mixture.

3. Cook in a pan over medium heat with a mixture of melted butter and olive oil until fish is white all the way through and falling apart. 🐠


*I made my potato wedges by slicing up a potato to desired size,  drizzling some olive oil and salt of them and baking them for around 40 minutes at 375 degrees.

My salad – nothing fancy there, just a nice fresh salad served with my go to dressing …

Equal parts white wine vinegar to olive oil (Normally about 3 table spoons) and half a teaspoon of dijon mustard – shake!

Instagram – mydenverdelights

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